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Pricing Error: "An error occurred executing the business rule: RecalculatePricing"

Application Scope: PEO


Attempt to save pricing and receive the error "An error occurred executing the business rule: RecalculatePricing. The ClientSpace Exception Log will contain more details about this error."  This will often occur when attempting to open the Pricing Console.  Checking the exception logs reveals something like "System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Arithmetic overflow error converting money to data type numeric."


One of the fields that is used in the pricing calculation has an invalid amount entered (too large).  During pricing these fields are used in calculation and when multiplied by other fields can result in a value that cannot be represented by the system.


Correct the bad value and save the record

Step by step
  • Review each of the pricing dataforms (Pricing Batch, State and Code) by opening Workspace > Action Items > Dataforms for the workspace in question  to open a list of dataforms in the workspace.
  • Look for overtly large numbers stored in one of the form fields, such as 3000% in a mod field, or 1870000 in the employee count field.
  • Adjust the number to the actual(correct) number and save the record.
  • Try to open the pricing console again.

Data Matrix or other SQL errors when opening the Pricing Console  

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