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Release 65 ( CORE )

Sprint Began: 02/01/2018    Sprint Ended: 03/05/2018

The following items have been completed in this release:

Workflow Channels 2.0 - ENHANCEMENT 

The workflow system has been enhanced with the following:

Workflow configuration has been reduced from 5 steps to 4 in order to streamline the process.  

The ability to add triggered dataform cloning has been added, allowing you to generate pre-filled system dataforms based on workflow triggering conditions

The Workflow channels system now morphs based on the generated content type (Task or Form) which you select, presenting appropriate configuration options.  

You can read the complete configuration documentation here.

A configuration video will be available soon.

Recurring Task Scheduled Process Bug 

Resolved an issue where recurring tasks without an appropriate recurrence rule would cause the recurring task generation process to create new tasks over and over. The process now ignores recurring tasks without an appropriate recurrence rule.

_SetDateFieldValueFromSourceField - ENHANCEMENT

Enhanced the _SetDateFieldValueFromSourceField business rule to allow this rule to be configured on Multiformns IF #ThisForm is use as the source field.

Text areas sometimes appear dirty on page load 

Resolved an issue where sometimes CRLF was not being treated as equivalent to a lone LF, which could be in the database if the user copied/pasted text, or used a Mac or Linux.

Wrapping on Info Icon for Fields 

Fixed an issue where Long field labels would wrap down to the next line, moving the info bubble with them. The info bubble now stays fixed by the field as the label text wraps.

Contact Import sometimes throws errors 

Resolved an issue where when importing contacts if the ImportID was longer than 20 characters the ImportID would be truncated. The system now handles ImportID's up to the maximum field length.

Task Lookup Conversion - ENHANCEMENT

The Task Priority, Task Categories & Workflows have been updated to use the standard Dataform Lookup Groups in classic and next.  The associated Lookups are Task Category, Task Type and Task Workflow.  If there are no configured values for these lookups, the field will not be displayed on the task.

Email Dashboard in Next - ENHANCEMENT

An Email dashboard similar to the messages dashboard has been added to the application. Emails can be filtered by sent and unsent, user and source. This new management dashboard is included in the System administration area available to global admins and contains the following:

Quick Search

  • Subject (starts with)


% Search:

  • Subject
  • Body

More Search

  • User (User Typeahead) 
  • Status (all/sent/unsent) - default to all
  • Source

- View

Grid Columns
- Date
- Subject
- Source

 Detail (when record is opened) 

  • Labels for recipients (To & CC)
  • Date/Time Sent
  • Subject
  • Links to Attachments
  • Body

Department Admin - ENHANCEMENT

Department admin functionality has been migrated to our newer, cross browser application. Department admin contains the following:

Quick Search

  • Department Name (starts with)
  • Manager Last Name (starts with)


% Search:

  • Department Name
  • Description

More Search

  • Department Name
  • Manager (User TypeAhead)
  • Parent Department (dropdown)
  • Member Org Access - Lookup


  • Add
  • Edit
  • Delete

Grid Columns

  • Department Name
  • Description
  • Manager

Detail Page


  • Department (required)
  • Member Org Access (required)
  • Manager - User TypeAhead
  • Parent Department
  • Description

User Import- Load Home Page - ENHANCEMENT

The "Default Home Page" checkbox will now have a default value of checked, enabling the default home page in NEXT.

Merge Get Data - ENHANCEMENT

The Get Data functionality from the Classic Merge list that was used to get the Merge field names for Word Merges has been replicated in the application, this allows you to create custom Word merges using the returned field names.

Attachments Right Menu Badge Count 

Resolved an issue where the attachment action item would only display 10 items in the badge count. Attachment item badge counter now displays the Total count of all records.

Required Field Bug - NEXT 

Resolved an issue where numeric datatypes in next were not flagging a field as required unless it gained and lost focus (the red banner at the top of the page would flag the field as required, but the field itself would not be highlighted on the page, making it difficult to find on larger forms).

Touches not recognized in Safari - NEXT 

An issue was reported where BI report parts were not loading in the Safari browser, causing the application to appear locked and unresponsive.  This has been reported to Izenda and a fix is forthcoming - until the fix can be included in the App report parts have been disabled on Safari browsers.  For iPhone and iPad users it is recommended they use Google Chrome until such time as the issue can be resolved.

Izenda Reporting Upgrade 

The Izenda reporting engine used by Business Intelligence has been upgraded to the latest - version  For more information about this Izenda upgrade read the Izenda Release Notes.

Begin Sunsetting Classic 

As part of the ongoing effort to sunset our Classic application in favor of the newer Cross Browser app formerly known as NEXT we have made the following changes:
App Settings:
- Removed the Login, Search, Default Workspaces and graphics tabs - much of this functionality has been deprecated or moved to System Admin.

Other Classic Functionality that has been deprecated:
- Removed Admin functionality from the Classic interface - Admin settings can be found as a Widget under System Admin. This functionality is secured with a special security entity - Contact your ClientSpace representative for more information if needed.
- Removed Clone Workspaces function from Workspace Admin
- Removed Web File List functionality from Workspce Admin
- Removed Classic Broadcast Notifications Module in favor of the newer Announcenments module.
- Removed Classic Calendar Modules and code from the application
- Removed Classic Exception logging code from the application
- Removed user incident report and Print button for the report from Tasks
- Removed the ability to upload files directly to an application folder as uploaded files are databased
- Removed deprecated AttachmentDetail from solution in favor of the new file upload control
- Removed a number of older, unnecessary ActiveX components or deprecated pages that rely on those components, mainly for TOC management in the Classic application
- Remove the Campaigns tab from Org Detail in Classic
- Remove the Old School Classic Mobile application in favor of Next which is cross browser compatible and supports responsive design for mobile apps.

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