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Release 45 ( PEO )

Product Version: PEO – Release 45 Notes - The following Tasks have been completed/fixed in this release.


Task 36844  - ENHANCEMENT                                                                                       Click here for the Video

Client Team Mass Update    


ClientSpace NEXT has been enhanced with a new "Teams" dashboard - this allows you to not only search for workspaces by client team, if given the appropriate rights, client team data can be administered from this dashboard as well.  Mass Update functionality is available for anyone in a user role containing "VIEW" rights to the "biz_clientteam_massupdate" security entity.


Task 36845  - ENHANCEMENT                                                                                                                                      

Predictive Modeling on WC Claims    


A new multi-form has been developed as a child form of the Workers' Comp Claim - the Comp Claim Predictive Score.  This dataform contains the following fields:

  • Comp Claim Id - Foreign Key to the Linked dataform which allows multiple child forms per claim.
  • Score "As Of" Date
  • Claim Score - decimal

A new row has also been added to the first panel in the Comp Claim header called Claim Score. This row will display the most recent claim score value and a blank if there are no records. If the Claim Score is clicked, the system will open the most recent Predictive Score record.


Task 36862                                                                                                                                      

Update Implementation Role Security    


Security in the pricing console has been updated to make controlling rights even more configurable.  New security entities were added for quick edit/add state and code fields: 

  • QuickEdit_State
  • QuickEdit_fkCompCodeID. 

These entities operate similarly on the respective input fields:

  • No View: field will not appear
  • View only: field visible, read only
  • View & Add: field visible, editable when adding a state/code, read only when editing a state/code
  • View & Edit: field visible, editable when editing a state/code , read only when adding a state/code
  • View & Add & Edit: field visible and not read only.

Task 36867  - ENHANCEMENT                                                                                                                                      

Overriding Net Comp Rate w/out overriding Admin    


The Pricing Comp Code dataform has been enhanced.  A checkbox for "Override Comp Billing for this Code" has been added. 

When checked the Pricing code will use the Premium Discount on the code, when unchecked the Premium Discount from the associated Pricing State will be applied to the code to create the net comp rate. 

This field is secured by default and has been checked for all records where the "Overrride Billing" checkbox was checked on existing records. 

The security entity used to secure this field is gen_PricingCompCode_OverrideCompBillingforthisCode.  If you have questions about how to apply security to this field, contact your NetWise account manager. 

Task 36852  - ENHANCEMENT                                                                                                                                      

MCP Cost Factors update    


The pricing console has been enhanced to update the Work Comp Billing factors on the pricing state when the cost factors on the policy are marked as pass through for MCP policies or Client policies.  Cost Adjustment only occurs if the pricing fields are not locked. 

Task 36851  - ENHANCEMENT                                                                                                                                      

Add Comparison Batch in any Status    


Enhanced the Pricing Console functionality to allow for adding comparison batches for any stage in the pricing workflow - requires at least view rights to the biz_pricingbatch_multibatch security entity.

Task 37007                                                                                                                                      

LDF is not Defaulting when Cleared    


Further tweaks have been added to the calculation of Loss Data Factor.  LDF will now always be calculated if the field is empty or if the State or associated dates change.

Task 36913                                                                                                                                      

WC Profit Calculation Not Working    


Fixed a bug in MCP and Client Policy cloning where the WC Policy "Profit Calculation Method" and "Default ELR" fields were not being cloned when creating Client Level policies (MCP or Client).  These fields are now be cloned as well.

Task 36945  - ENHANCEMENT                                                                                                                                    

Work Comp Claim Deductible-data form changes    


The Comp Claim process has been enhanced to include Deductible Tier information and billing data.  The following additions have been made to the system:

Claim Type metadata

A new claim type metadata form has been added with a lookup field that uses the "Deductible Tier" lookup group.  There will be four selectable options:

  • Tier 1
  • Tier 2
  • Tier 3
  • Penalty

WC Claims form 

A new read only field called "Carrier Claim Type" text has been added.  This field will be set from the loss run import.

The Claim Deductible Bill Data form has been added(new form).  This new dataform contains the following:

  • Comp Claim ID (parent form)  
  • Date Created (date)  
  • Status (Ready to Bill, Billed, Cancelled)  
  • Bill Amount (Money) can be positive or negative           
  • Negative bill amount (credit) - Credit will be created manually, not by the system logic  
  • Comments (log)

Task 36908                                                                                                                                      

Discussion Thread changes    


Some changes have been made to the Case discussion threads. 

External ClientSpace users are provided a login screen when responding to discussion threads they receive. 

A bug was fixed that would cause an error to be thrown if you add a new discussion to a case that had no previous discussions.

Fixed a bug where double clicking the contact to edit it would cause the system to throw an error.

The recipient lists have been made sortable, previously clicking the header to sort the list would do nothing.

Task 36912                                                                                                                                      

Duplication of Pricing Codes After Adding Comparison Pricing Batch in NEXT    


Fixed an issue where duplicate Pricing States and Comp code records were being generated when creating a Comparison Batch in ClientSpace NEXT.

Task 36961                                                                                                                                      

Prism API Intial: Location issue    


Fixed an issue with the HRP Initial API location import where Clients with multiple locations would only generate a single import row.  All locations now generate an import row appropriately.

Task 36970                                                                                                                                     

Pricing Data Matrix    


Updated the pricing batch profict calculation function fn_peo_pricing_batch_surcharges_profit() to ignore calculations if the pricing batch = 0.

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