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Release 38 ( NEXT )

Product Version: NEXT – Release 38 Notes - The following Tasks have been completed/fixed in this release.


Task 34362                                                                                                                                      

Pricing Console Duplicates    


Fixed bug where duplicate workspaces could be  created from the Pricing Dashboard in NEXT


Task 34357                                                                                                                                     

Quick Create Comp Code Type Ahead    


The type ahead functionality of the Comp Code DataType during Quick create has been enhanced to include the CodeTitle column when performing Keyword "LIKE" searches


Task 34474                                                                                                                                      

Carrier Adjuster not showing up    


Resolved an issue where the Policy Org Contact Data Type was not properly producing a list of Carrier Adjusters in NEXT.


Task 34340                                                                                                                                      

Landing Pages not working in some instances


A code change in the SQL which populates the Landing Pages in NEXT under certain conditions would cause the Pages to not load.  This has been resolved.


Task 34326

Home w/ Cases Dashboard Bug (Next)    


Fixed an issued where the Home w/ Cases Dashboard was showing cases of Template Workspaces that are used for dataform cloning.  These dashboards should never show Template level information.


Task 34485                                                                                                                                      

Add record prompts for workspace when within a workspace    


When adding a new record (Ex: Case, WC Claim, etc.) from the Workspace Landing Page, it will not ask the user to select a workspace, but will default to the workspace the user is on.  There is also basic client information that will populate in the header when adding a Case, WC Claim, or Unemployment Claim.


Task 34404                                                                                                                                      

Error on Home Module    


Resolved an issue where the Home dashboard would throw an error in NEXT if the user did not have rights to any of the 4 Quadrant's data.  System now displays "No records found" if this issue occurs.


Task 34277                                                                                                                                      

Home Dashboard change    


Updated the Home dashboard so that when you click to open a search module, it will open as a new parent item in the work tray (Left NAV). This will allow for multitasking. Previously, you could only do one dataform at a time as a result of it opening as a sub item in the work tray.


Task 34283                                                                                                                                     

List of Misc Issues from Sprint 37 Testing    


Resolved a number of miscellaneous functionality and User Interface issues that were revealed during Sprint 37 testing including: 

  1. On the Broker Landing page, pressing the Enter Key after entering a search does not execute like it does on other dashboards.
  2. On the broker dashboard, it necessary to type  Icon too.
  3. On the various landing pages.  There is not enougthe full status to search for it. It should use Starts With instead. Be sure to update the spacing betweeen the Jump Icon and the Company Name.
  4. On Quick Create dialog, the Current SUTA Rate field is "Current Current SUTA Rate"
  5. The left side dataform header data is running off the page on my laptop on the Pricing Comp Code.  Looks better on my larger monitor but still cut off.
  6. As I was opening workspaces that had different landing pages, I felt difficult to determine the client master status.  I eventually found the the Contract Status on the Company Panel.  I think this pieice of data should be much more visible. Maybe place it above the Contract Type and style it the same way.
  7. On the Employee Demographics' Record Count Panel, the UE Claims should be retitled to UI Claims. UI means • Unemployment Insurance.  UE is not a recognized abbreviation for this.
  8. On the Employee Demographics' Client Info Panel the Phone Number should be displayed as Business Phone: (xxx) xxx-xxxx. The phone number should be a link
  9. The Cancel button on the multi-form search interface should be more properly labeled as "Close" since technically nothing can be saved.
  10. The Pricing Console Cancel button should be re-labeled as Close.
  11. Pricing Console is missing it's name in the header. This is important so we can see which Clients are using the PEO version vs their custom version.
  12. Follow up Activities do not have an icon on the Org Activity list on the right nav.
  13. When clicking save and followup on the CRM Note the Assigned To does not default to the current user like it does in Classic.
  14. Typing a capital letter in a date field such as 2W does not fill in anything. Should make the date fields work for capital letters too.


Task 34358                                                                                                                                     

Pricing Console Submit Link not working    


A bug has been fixed in the NEXT pricing console which would throw an error when attempting to use the "Submit" link directly from the Pricing Console. 


Task 34930                                                                                                                                    

NEXT Misc Items    


Resolved the following outstanding issues with NEXT:

  • Pricing Console Header still had original header info with company name, phone, & email. Remove so only new stuff exist  
  • Employee Header     
    • 1st column "Location" - if no location link should take you to adding a new record     
    • 1st column "Last Payroll Date" - if no Voucher record link should take you to adding a new record  
  • Project Landing - 1st Column link to Client Master was not working 


Task 34359                                                                                                                                      

PEO Home Page Resizing    


Fixed an issue where the PEO Home Page would throw an error if Loaded in a reduced size window.  The page now responsively resizes without error.


Task 34386                                                                                                                                      

Pricing Comp Code Net Comp Rate not functioning (Next)    


Fixed some issues with pricing fields not enabling/disabling appropriately. 


Task 34433                                                                                                                                      

Pricing Security in Next    


Added the following security functions to the pricing Workflow -

  • Lock Quick Edit at Approved.
  • Lock Pricing State Fields at Approved.


Task 34273                                                                                                                                      

Sales Landing Page Error    


If pricing is not being used (PEO/HRO Quote = No) the Pricing Section of the Sales landing page is irrelevant.  Because it was visible, however, a link was available to open the Pricing Console in which case an error was thrown.  

This has been corrected by removing the Pricing Section of the Sales Landing page if the Client has PEO/HRO Quote set to "No" on the Client Master page. 


Task 34421                                                                                                                                     

Surcharge Controller - The parameters dictionary contains a null entry for parameter 'amount' of non-nullable type  


Resolved an issue where executing code would attempt to use a NULL value, which would cause the system to fail with the exception: "The parameters dictionary contains a null entry for parameter 'amount' of non-nullable type"


Task 34434                                                                                                                                      

WC Claim search page in NEXT    


An issue was resolved on the WC Claims dashboard in NEXT to insure that the Carrier Claim Number search worked as a "Starts With" search instead of an "Exact Match" Search. 

The dashboard was also enhanced to include Parent Company as a search criteria under "More" 


Task 34196                                                                                                                                      

Primary links and reports    


The way the Right Menu link configuration works has been changed, so that you can control if a section defaults to open, based on the configuration.

  • On the classic link configuration detail page, the label has been changed from the "Primary" checkbox to "Pinned Open".
  • When at least one link is marked as "Pinned Open", that section will default to open, with the "Pinned Open" links displayed. Any other links for that section, that aren't marked as "Pinned Open", will be hidden, and will be displayed when the "More" link is clicked.
  • Previously the "More" links were rendered as a dropdown off of the "More" link. These links have been changed to be rendered the same as the main links. Clicking the "More" link will cause the hidden links to slide down into view, and the "More" link label will change to the text "Less".  Clicking it again will cause those links to slide back up into hidden. The label will change back to "More".
  • When links are configured for a section, but not all of them are marked "Pinned Open", that section will render as closed, and when it's expanded all of the links will be displayed at once (No "More" section will be rendered).
  • The links section has been moved above the reports section.


Task 34282                                                                                                                                      

Next Excel Merges    


Resolved an issue with Excel merges in NEXT where dynamic row data such as on the "CSEXPORT" tab would push the row of named ranges below the data section, causing formulas to break.


Task 34308                                                                                                                                     

Activity Delete not working    


Resolved an issue where activities were not able to be deleted from the Activities list.


Task 34375                                                                                                                                      

Field Display Proc Value Comparison is Case Sensitive    


Resolved an issue in the field display rules, where when the system evaluated the value coming out of the field display SQL, it would not perform a case insensitive compare.


Task 34384                                                                                                                                   

Row Level Security Add & Delete Rights    


The GetRowSecurityRights feature has been enhanced to automatically give Add & Delete rights when the user has Edit rights, to match what CS classic does. This was happening when trying to add a contact to an organization, from the "Add Contact" button on the Right Menu, with a non admin User that has Edit rights to the organization.


Task 34413                                                                                                                                      

Cancel Button Text    


The Cancel button on the multi-form search interface has been more properly labeled as "Close" since technically nothing can be saved. 


Task 34414                                                                                                                                      

Date field commands case sensitive    


When utilizing Date Field Commands (t, 2w, 4d, etc) it will now accept capital letters. 


Task 34438                                                                                                                                     

No Save on Tasks    


Fixed an issue regarding securing fields on tasks without securing the main task itself - this would cause the task to enter a state where you were unable to save changes to the task.


Task 34462                                                                                                                                      

The + Symbol Missing on the Claim Link    


Resolved an issue caused by a recent enhancement to add "Similar Employee" to the WC Claim form. 

This secondary parent form field was set as a "one to one" relationship to the Claim and was effectively hijacking the systems ability to properly recognize the Employee parent form field as a "one to many" which triggers the plus sign on the Employee Header link. 


Task 34476                                                                                                                                      

Fieldsets configured as multiform search columns    


If a Fieldset is set as a multiform column, the system will ignore this and not add it. 


Task 34477                                                                                                                                      

Error adding activity to a  Contact


Fixed an issue where adding activities to a contact resulted in the error: "The JSON request was too large to be deserialized."

The save of the Activity detail was sending the entire ActivityDetailViewModel to the server, on save. This object was potentially too large.  The activity saved was altered to strip out extraneous information resulting in a cleaner save.


Task 34482                                                                                                                                      

Case Mass Update not respecting security entity    


The Mass Update button of the Client Service Case dashboard has been secured with the 'biz_clientservicecase_massupdate' security entity.


Task 34497                                                                                                                                      

Grid link clicks opening multiple windows    


Fixed bug where multiple instances or a record were opened after making changes to multiple records in a row.


Task 34499                                                                                                                                      

Multi-form lists 'checkbox' column    


A checkbox column in a Multiform search page will now display as 'Yes' or 'No'


Task 34500                                                                                                                                     

DBA Changes    


DBA has been added in perens to the NEXT Workspace Landing Page Header and also the Org Type Ahead Datatype which will allow a user to do a % search for the Organization DBA. 


Task 34502                                                                                                                                      

Decimal Range search criteria fix    


Fixed an issue in NEXT where numeric ranges on the More dropdown, that have formatting (decimal, money, percent) are causing the search to break, when they have a value set.  System strips formatting for the time being to pass the raw decimal value to the database save. 

This will be updated at a later date to preserve formatting in the UI, but strip it when passing the save data. 


Task 34547                                                                                                                                      

Application Pool recycle required to apply biz_clientservicecase_massupdate security    


Fixed an issue where changes to the security entity biz_clientservicecase_massupdate  were only available in the UI after an app pool recycle on the Web server.  Now the user simply has to log out and back in for security changes to be applied.


Task 33784                                                                                                                                      

Client External Landing Page    


A PEO Client external landing page has been created.

This Landing page will only contain External Client Service Case dashboard for the time being (compare to classic version)   and is named "Client Service Cases"

The case list supports the Quick Search values of:

  • Case Number -  "equal"  
  • Category -  "starts with"
  • Status  - "starts with"

As well as % Search for Subject, Issue, Case Notes and Resolution 


Task 34529                                                                                                                                      

Generate Quote button    


Fixed an issue where clicking the "Generate Quote" link in the Organization right nav did not lock the button, allowing for multiple simultaneous clicks to create duplicate workspaces.  System now locks the button and displays a brief "Generating Quote" page before taking you to the newly generated Workspace landing page.


Task 34576                                                                                                                                      

Home Dashboard Follow Up section now working properly    


The Activities Quadrant of the Home Dashboard has been adjusted to include activities for Today +7d as well as all previous, allowing this to better suit the needs of planning your weekly activities.


Task 34548                                                                                                                         

Upgrade Business Intelligence with latest ( dll from Izenda  


Resolved 2 issues introduced with the last version of Izenda business Intelligence.

  • Dashboard "Scrunching" issue where reports included in a business intelligence dashboard would not dynamically resize to take advantage of the area allotted to them, instead sitting on the right side of the window with empty whitespace to the left.
  • Missing True/False filter in Reports/Dashboards

Task 34626                                                                                                                    

CalculateFundingRate error 


Fixed a bug in the client side code for enabling/disabling the Funding Rate field on the Policy Comp Code.  Previously, during Add the system would produce an error prior to selecting a policy when it attempted to Enable/Disable the Funding Rate field based on a non-existent policy setting.  System now ignores this functionality if the Policy field is empty.

Task 34613                                                                                                                   

Detail in Case Issue does not default in NEXT  


Resolved an issue in NEXT where the default Issue based on Client Service Case Type was not being set on Case creation.

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