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Release 37 ( PEO )

Product Version: PEO – Release 37 Notes - The following Tasks have been completed/fixed in this release.


Task 34214   - ENHANCEMENT                                                                                                                                                

Benefits: Add Effective date to Health Carrier Plan Field    


The decoded values for the following fields have been updated to include the Effective Date of the Benefits Plan:

  • Benefits Plan "Renewed From"
  • Benefits Plan Group "Benefits Plan"
  • Health Benefits Plan Tier " Health Carrier/Plan"
  • Presented Benefit Plan "Benefit Plan"

 An example of this would be ACME Health 2015 - Health - 08/14/2015


Task 33793    - ENHANCEMENT                                                                                             

Enhance Logic Around Benefit Plan Activation    


The Benefits system has been enhanced with the following changes / additions:

  • "New" has been added to the Benefit Plan Status Lookup, this is now the default value for this group and is what Benefit Plans and related Offered plans default to on renewal.
  • The Decode for "Pending" status has been updated to "Pending Activation"
  • A new Header Action link called "Activate Future" has been addded. When clicked it will set the status to Pending Activation. This also sets the status to "Pending Activation" on any related Offered Benefit Plan

****NOTE: this will only occur for Offered BP's when the CM.ContractStatus = 'Client' and if the Offered Plan Status = 'Selected' or "Pending Activation".

  • A new Scheduled Process has been created that evaluates the Benefits Plans that are in the "Pending Activation" status and run the Activation logic against Pending Benefits Plan Effective Date setting the Status To Active and activating the related Offered Plans as well.

****NOTE: this will only occur for Offered BP's when the CM.ContractStatus = 'Client'

  • The "Apply Plan Group" Logic has been enhanced to respect the Pending Activation Plans as well.


Task 33789    - ENHANCEMENT                                                                                                                                               

Deleting a comparison batch


A delete link has been added to the comparison batch header. When clicked, the batch and associated state(s), and code(s) will be deleted.  This action deactivates the surcharges associated with the declined batch as well.


Task 33791    - ENHANCEMENT                                                                                                 Click here for the Video

Work Comp Claim transmission    


We have changed the way an email is sent out from the Comp Claim when the Transmission Status is "Ready for Trasmit". 

The system now interrogates the TPA and if the NOI Report Format is filled out, it will send the specified report.  If the NOI Report Format is empty, the system sends the report specified on the US States lookup metadata based on the Jurisdiction State on the Comp Claim. 

This email sent contains the following information:

Subject: injured employee - DOI (Date of Injury)

Body:  Client Name  

Client #  

Injured Employee  

Claim Specialist  


Jurisdiction State


Task 33799    - ENHANCEMENT                                                                                              Click here for the Video

Create Contact Record from Employee Record    


Functionality has been added to the Employee Demographics Dataform that allows the users to create a Contact Record from the current employee. This is done via a "Create Contact" link which is no longer visible once a contact record is created.

Business Logic stamps the related Contact on the Employee Demographic after it is created.  Clicking the related Contact will open the Contact Record.

If the Employee's Employment record is updated to the Terminated Status then the system automatically inactivates the related Contact. This works even if the status is updated via nightly imports. Regardless of the method of updating the Employment record, if an employee re-activates, then the user can manually go to the existing related contact and re-activate the record.

When an Employee Demographic record is updated manually or through a nightly import, the First Name, Last Name, Job Title and Birthday are updated on the related Contact as well.  However, if these fields are updated on the Contact, they will not update the Employee Demographic.

A Hard Error (HE_ValidateEmployeeContact) has been created to insure the same contact is not connected to multiple Employee records.

A Soft Error (SE_ValidateCreateEmployeeContact) has been created to insure another Contact record cannot be created if a Contact is already related to the current Employee.  User will be prompted that the change will overwrite the existing record.


Task 16216   - ENHANCEMENT                                                                                                Click here for the Video 

Display "Case Type Notes"    


A field titled "Default Issue" has been added to the case type section located within the admin workspace.

When adding or editing a Case Type, any text in this field will Automatically populate the Issues field when adding a new case to the system.  


Task 33805   - ENHANCEMENT                                                                                                                                            

i3 Best Practices Pricing Tool    


An interface has been added to attach to Risk Transfers i3 API and retrieve industry code level averages for the following values:

1. Average Cost Per Claim

2. Shock Loss Indicator

2a. Shock loss color

3. Average Industry Loss Ratio

3a. Average Industry Color 

4. Optimized WC Rate

This is based on ClientSpace passing the API the values for:

1. State - Pricing Code

2. WC Code - Pricing Code

3. Manual WC Rate - Pricing Code

4. Target Loss Ratio (0-100%) - Pricing Batch

The interface is accessed via a i3 link on the pricing batch.


Task 34162    - ENHANCEMENT                                                                                                  

Pricing Code dataform maintenance    


The following fields have been added to the Pricing Code dataform to accommodate new i3 functionality.  All fields are in the i3 fieldset on the Pricing Comp Code.

  • Avg Cost Per Claim (money)
  • Shock Loss Indicator (decimal)
  • Shock Loss Color (lookup)
  • Avg Industry Loss Ratio (decimal)
  • Avg Industry Loss Color (lookup)
  • Optimized Rate (decimal)


Task 33790   - ENHANCEMENT                                                                                                        Click here for the Video 

Contract Type Defaults    


New functionality has been added that allows you to set the Workers' Comp Policy on a Pricing State record based on the associated Contract Type metadata.  This allows you to either default the Policy either:

  • From the State Master (former functionality).
  • From the Hard Coded policy that is stored on the associated Contract Type metada.
  • From the selected WC Policy Type.


Task 33782                                                                                                                                      

Contact Address Synchronized with Org Not Updating    


Fixed a bug in business logic that would cause the Organization contacts to not be updated properly when the 'Sync with Organization' checkbox was checked and the Org was updated from the Workspace location.


Task 33923    - ENHANCEMENT                                                                                                      Click here for the Video

ESIS Claim File Import (chocolate component)    


Added functionality where it is possible to import CompClaimFinancial records from a Comp Claim Import.  This enhancement will use the VAO date to determine if it needs to update an existing record or insert a new record.  If there is not a VAO date in the import, it will use today's date.

If multiple or no policies are found, the hard error CompClaim.HE_VerifyCompPolicyIsLocated (must be configured on the execution pipeline for the import map header) will log the failure.


Task 34053     - ENHANCEMENT                                                                                                                                       

Client Alerts on Client Master    


The following fields have been added to the Client Master in a new field set called "Client Situation" : 

  • Client Alerts as Text Area  
  • Client Alerts Last Updated By as a User field, read-only  
  • Client Alerts Last Updated Date as a Date field, read-only

Additionally 2 new business rules:

  • Set Client Alerts Updated By
  • Set Client Alerts Updated Date

have been configured to set the Last Updated By and Last Updated Date to the current user and today's date any time the Client Alerts field is updated.

The Client Alerts information will also display on the Client Landing page in our NEXT product.


Task 33794      - ENHANCEMENT                                                                                            Click here for the Video

Jurisdiction Split by Administrator    


Added new functionality where the Claim Specialist on the Comp Claim form will default based on the Metadata on the Claim Type lookup.  This can be set to State or Individual.  When configured for Individual, the system will default to the user defined on the Claim Type Metadata.  When configured for State, the system will default to the user defined on the US States Metadata based on the Jurisdiction State on the Claim.  If the Claim Type Metadata is empty, the system will default to use the State logic.


Task 34218    - ENHANCEMENT                                                                                                                                      

Add Date/Time Stamp to the Case Audit Field    


The Client Service Case system has been enhanced to add Date and Time audit information to the case audit section of the Client Service Case.  An example of this would change:

[Assigned To] changed from "Doe, John" to "Smith, Jane" by developer


[Assigned To] changed from "Doe, John" to "Smith, Jane" by developer on 6/10/2015 at 6:16 AM


Task 33901                                                                                                                                      

WC Claims Search Module    


The WC Claims Search Module has been updated to correct an issue with the list refresh.


Task 33870                                                                                                                                      

Export to HRP links    


The ClientSpace integration with HR Pyramid software has been updated to reflect the new branding, changing "HRP" to "PrismHR".

The trigger conditions for "ShowExportClient" have been altered to been adjusted to not display until the client is in "UnderContract" status.

A description has been added to the the PrismHR links to describe the conditions allowing link display.


Task 33969     - ENHANCEMENT                                                                                                                                      

Carrier Cause, Nature, and Body Part    


Carrier Cause, Nature, and Body Part on the Workers' Comp Claim Injury form have been modified from Text to lookup datatypes.  This information is typically provided by the carrier as Codes, so they will now be able to be De-coded once an appropriate associated lookup is created. 

For example if the Carrier use the code of "F" to denote a Fall under Nature Carrier you can now create an associated lookup with a Code of "F" and a decode of "Fall" and the decode value will properly display on the Claim Injury form.


Task 34055    - ENHANCEMENT                                                                                                   Click here for the Video

Insert Employee from Claim Import    


A new field: Enable New Employees (checkbox) has been added to the Client Master dataform.

New business logic has been added to the claim form that will enable the creation of an employee record during a comp claim import, prior to inserting the claim and attach the claim record to the newly created employee. This will create a basic "Stub" employee/employment record and only if the employee does not already exist.  The system will not update existing employee records with this import.

On the Claim import file, a column containing the Client Number will be used to create an employee and employment record (based on a column containing Employee SSN) in the appropriate workspace if the employee doesn't already exist. The employee insert will only be enabled for clients where the "Enable New Employees" (new field on CM) is set to yes.

Business logic on the claim import has been added to do the following:

1. Look up the workspace based on the client number.   

  • If the Enable New Employees field is set to yes, then  insert new employees based on SSN.  
  • If No or blank, do not insert the new employee.   
  • If the employee (based on SSN lookup) doesn't exist, produce an error.

2. Insert an employee demographics record using the following data:  

  • Employee Name: split on ";" as delimiter.  First half is last name, second half is first name  
  • Soc_Sec_Num: Employee.SSN  
  • Sex: Employee.Gender  
  • Birth_Date: Employee.Birthdate
  • Set the EE ID as the SSN and the import ID as the ClientNumber-SSN

3. Insert an employee employment record, associated with the employee, using the following data.  

  • Hire_Date: Employment.Date of Hire  
  • Job_Class: Employment.WorkCompCode


Task 33978, 34046, 34075                                                                                                                                      

Check 'Pricing Locked' box for Approved - Client Status    


Resolved issues with the new "Pricing Locked" functionality where locking was not happening at the appropriate time and causing a required field to remain unfilled and problematic, where reprocessing a "Locked" Pricing did not reset pricing to the unlocked state and where the "Locked" functionality was not respecting the "biz_pricing_submitted_batch" security entity.  Also resolved an issue where locking pricing did not lock the "Override Billing for this Batch" checkbox on the Pricing Console.


Task 34220                                                                                                                                      

Unwanted Case Escalation Notices    


Fixed a bug where cases were escalated regardless of whether the escalation fields on the Case Type were filled.


Task 34090                                                                                                                                      

Missing ImportID on EE Insertion via Nightly Imports   


Fixed a bug where new functionality allowed records to be imported under Terminated or Pending Termination status, but the ImportIDs would not be set. 


Task 33967  - ENHANCEMENT                                                                                                                                     

Additional PEO Fields    


The following fields have been added to the ClientSpace PEO System:

  • EmployeeVoucher.OvertimeHours
  • EmployeeVoucher.OvertimePay
  • EmployeeVoucher.DaysWorked
  • CompClaim.SimilarEmployee
  • CompClaimClaimant.DateWageEffective


Task 34112                                                                                                                                      

Bug w/ Sales Entity Defaults    


When creating a workspace using the pricing console module, the system will now populate the sales coordinator field on the client team form associated with the new workspace from the Sales Coordinator listed within the sales entity on the admin workspace that is associated with the sales user.


Task 34104                                                                                                                                      

Claim Import Pre-processor    


Business Logic changes have been made to pre-process the Employee SSN prior to Importing Workers' Compensation.  This allows the system to more accurately asses whether it needs to update an existing claim or create a new one.


Task 34099   - ENHANCEMENT                                                                                                                                    

Workers' Compensation Workflow Rules   


5 new _SetField rules have been created to enhance Workers' Compensation Workflow in the ClientSpace PEO system:

Set Open

Set Close

Set Decline

Set Re-open

Set Pending

I have also inactivated the Set Claim Status Rule


Task 34131                                                                                                                                     

Create Indemnity RTW rule    


The CompClaim.CreateIndemnityRTW rule has been modified to check the Claim Type field for 'Indemnity' in order to generate (or update) an Return To Work form.


Task 34142  - ENHANCEMENT                                                                                                                                     

Voucher API Changes    


The import system has been enhanced:

If the Voucher import is configured to execute business logic, Vouchers generated via the PrismHR_API system can be set using a flag on the Voucher subscription record to automatically update the Comp Code of the active Employee Employment history record, causing the Employees Workers' Comp Code to be set to match what is being reported in the voucher.

The Import configuration has been enhanced with an "Import Action" which provides the following options:

  • Insert - will only insert records, but not update existing records
  • Update - will only update records, but not insert new records
  • Both - will insert records if they do not exist and update them if they do exist based on the ImportID of the  record. 


Task 34178                                                                                                                                      

Pricing Policy Doesn't Default on Renewals Properly    


Fixed a bug where during pricing renewal if you selected "Use New Policy rates" The system would continue to use the old policy.  The system now properly defaults the pricing policy to the  coverage policy which is updated during policy renewal.


Task 34176                                                                                                                                      

Unable to Generate Quote   


Fixed a bug where hard and soft errors that were being generated during workspace creation were causing the system to fail when the "Generate Quote" link was clicked on the Organization.


Task 34180  - ENHANCEMENT                                                                                                            Click here for the Video

Policy lookup on the claim import    


The claim import logic has been enhanced to search for the policy based on a combination of the client#+"|"+Policy#.  For example "9876|WC 54332 77553" where 9876 is the client number and WC 54332 7755 is the policy number. 

The system will first search the admin workspace using a search based on the raw Policy Number.  If not found, then system will then search for the policy based on IMPORT ID with the appended client number



Task 34182   - ENHANCEMENT                                                                                                                                       

Jurisdiction State default


Added functionality where when creating or updating  a Comp Claim, after selecting the Employee and the DOI, the system will default the Jurisdiction State to the location on the Active employment record for that employee.


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