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Release 56 ( PEO )

Sprint Began: 6/5/2017     Sprint Ended: 6/26/2017

The following items have been completed in this release:

Auto-create next Client Visit (NEXT) -  ENHANCEMENT

A new business rule has been created to auto-generate a new Client Visit record.  This is determined via metadata on the "TypeOfVisit" lookup (see below). This rule will get triggered when the Visit status =  "Completed".

The following fields are set on the new record as follows:

  • Visit Type, default from the Client Visit record that is getting cloned.
  • Visit Department, default from the Client Visit record that is getting cloned.
  • Visited By, default from the Client Visit record that is getting cloned.
  • Visit Status, default to "Planned".
  • Client Contact, default from the Client Visit record that is getting cloned.
  • Location,default from the Client Visit record that is getting cloned.
  • Appointment Date, defaults to X number of days out from cloned visit date based on the Visit Frequency field specified in the rule. If value can't be determined then do not create the new record.

3 new fields have been added to the existing metadata on the "TypeOfVisit" lookup to specify whether the next Visit record should get auto-created. If so, which Dataform and Field should be used to retrieve the Next Visit Frequency.

  • Auto-create Next Visit has been added as a Yes, No lookup with a Default of No. If Yes, then the system will display the next 2 fields.
  • In a new fieldset called "Next Visit Setting" the following fields have been added:
    • Dataform for Frequency, Enable field and require if Create Next Visit = Yes
    • Field for Frequency, Enable field and require if Create Next Visit = Yes.

A new business rule has been created to ensure the Dataform for Frequency that is selected is a single dataform and ensure the Field for Frequency that is selected is using the existing "Visit Schedule" lookup group.

A new metadata form has been added to the Visit Schedule Lookup Group to capture the number of days for given period. The field "Days per Frequency" has been added to this form and the following values and set day added as follows:

  • Monthly (30)
  • Quarterly (90)
  • Annually (365)

A "Visit Complete Date"  field has been added to the Client Visit form.  It is read-only and is set to the date that the Status is changed to Completed.

Server Data Proc 1 for Client Location - ENHANCEMENT

A PEO Server data proc for Client Location to return the following fields from the Client Master:
(All lookup values are decoded)

  • ClientNumber
  • ClientStatus (ContractStatus)
  • ContractType
  • PayFrequency
  • LegalEntity
  • ProcessingCenter
  • SalesRegion
  • ContractEffectiveDate
  • DateofIncorporation

With configuration these fields are available wherever server data procs may be used such as Template Task Triggering

Case Search Refactoring 

Resolved an issue where the Case Search dashboard would time out occasionally if presented with large record counts.

Client Team Role Updates (NEXT)

Resolved an issue on the Client Team dataform where the Client Team Role table had instances of being out of sync with the Client Team.
The following items were updated:

  1. Only insert a new role record if the field name does not currently exist.
  2. Delete the record if the field is made empty

Critical Case Notifications for Active Users Only - ENHANCEMENT

The Critical Case Notification scheduled process has been updated to ignore inactive users when compiling the recipient list.  Previously this scheduled process would continue to send emails to user accounts present in the notify list, even if those accounts were inactive.  The system now checks to see if a notification user account is active or not prior to adding the email address to the list of notified users.

Sales Market not getting set

Client Master Business Logic has been updated to set defaults when creating workspaces based on the ID of the user assigned to the related organization and not based on a sales entity associated with the logged in user. 

Secure Case Types not working 

Resolved an issue with secure case types where the security entity that was created when selecting the case type as "secured" would get ignored during the security check.  This also resolves issues in the application where the row level security created when securing a case type was handled inconsistently across all methods of accessing cases.  For more information on Secured Case Types and how they work, review the SECURITY section of  Client Service Case - General Information.

State Default Clearing Out 

The 'SetEmployeeRelatedFields' rule method has been modified on the Comp Claim so it will not clear out the State or Claimant Comp Code if it has already been filled out or defaulted.  If either the Claimant CompCode or luJurisdictionState fields have been populated, these fields will not be overwritten.

Case Search Dashboard appears to be ignoring Cases with Row Level Security

Resolved an issue with Row level security where row level security was not being respected consistently across the application

Update peo_cs_datatype_s_wc_policy_type_ahead to include Expired and Non-Renew - ENHANCEMENT

The code which populates the Policy on the Workers' Comp Claim has been updated to include Expired and non-renew policies.  Previously this list would only show policies where the status did not include 'Expired' or 'Non-Renew'.  List now returns top 100 policies with type ahead functionality if the policy count exceeds 100.  Active policies are returned first, by effective date and name, then expired and non-renew policies are returned sorted the same way.

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