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Release 41 ( PEO )

Product Version: PEO – Release 41 Notes - The following Tasks have been completed/fixed in this release.


Task 35172 - ENHANCEMENT                                                                                                                                       

Default the TPA field on WC Claim    


A New business rule has been created for the Comp Claim dataform which defaults the TPA field on the form based on the TPA associated with the Claims WC Policy.  Anytime the policy on the Claim is changed to a different policy, this field is reset from the new associated policy.  Clearing the Policy field Preserves the current TPA record.


Task 35425                                                                                                                                      

Benefit Pricing creates wrong offered plan    


Fixed a bug in the Benefits Pricing dataform that would create an offered plan with the benefits Plan set to the incorrect Base Plan by selecting the last created benefit plan.  System will now create an offered plan for the plan that is selected Base Comparison Plan.


Task 35426                                                                                                                                      

Apply Plan Group    


Resolved an issue with the "Apply Plan Group" functionality where the Risk Tier on the generated offered plans was being set inappropriately.  System will now default if there is a default lookup value for Risk Tier, otherwise the field will be left blank.


Task 35491 - ENHANCEMENT                                                                                                                                       

New SUTA Rate Defaulting Rule    


The Pricing process has been enhanced to default based on the following process:

  • The State Legal Entity is selected based on Legal Entity, State Master and Contract Type
  • If the CTM.UseClientSUTA is checked (based on Contract Type), the PBS.SUTA will be used, unless a different SUTA value is provided (quick create, quick edit)
  • If the StateMaster.ClientReportingState is checked, the PBS.SUTA will be used, unless a different SUTA value is provided (quick create, quick edit)
  • If the SLE.ClientSUTAReporting is checked, the PBS.SUTA will be used, unless a different SUTA value is provided (quick create, quick edit).
  • If the SLE.ClientSUTAReporting is unchecked, AND  If the SLE.UseDefaultSUTAThreshold is unchecked, the SLE.SUTABillingRate will be used  
  • if the SLE.UseDefaultSUTAThreshold is checked, if the PBS.SUTARate - DefaultSUTAThreshold   > SLE.SUTABillingRate, then use PBS.SUTARate - DefaultSUTAThreshold, otherwise use SLE.SUTABillingRate


Task 35177                                                                                                                                      

Sales Entity Old Agent Field Needs to be Removed    


The Sales Entity Agent Field has been replaced with a Contact Selector field on the Sales Entity Dataform to more appropriately match how this data is being stored in the system.


Task 35492 - ENHANCEMENT                                                                                                             Click here for the Video

Org, Contact & Activity Import as Standard Import    


New Import Classes have been created for Organization (and by association Org Other Info), Contacts and Contact Management Notes utilizing the standard Import configuration found under Admin Settings  | Import/Export | Configure Import.  These imports work like standard dataform imports, but allow importing and updating of lead management system records such as Organizations, Contacts Contact Management Notes and any associated, tabbed dataforms.  Contact your account manager for more information.


Task 35424 - ENHANCEMENT                                                                                                                                      

Batch Reporting Data    


The Pricing Batch dataform has been enhanced The following fields have been added to the Pricing Batch (PB) dataform:

  • PB_InternalCommission
  • PB_ExternalCommission
  • PB_TotalGrossProfit
  • PB_TotalProfitNetCommission

The Pricing Stored Procedure has been enhanced to set these fields so anytime a reprice happens they are updated. The view peo_vwPricingInfo has been updated to include batch reporting fields


Task 35505 - ENHANCEMENT                                                                                                                                       

EDV Conversion as Scheduled Process    


EDV conversions can perform poorly for Benefits Heavy Clients because of the number of records involved.  A Scheduled process has been created to augment the existing Convert EDV process and avoid timeout issues for Benefits heavy PEO's.

Once an upper threshold of 1000 EDV's is reached the normal Convert EDV links will no longer be available, necessitating the use of the scheduled process.

This process change required the following additions to the EDV:

  • A Queued status has been added to the Convert EDV page to indicate EDV's ready for conversion.
  • A Conversion in Progress status has been added to the Convert EDV page.
  • Logic has been added to the Convert EDV form so that it can't be edited once queued.


Task 35855                                                                                                                                     

Case Header Displays Status Code instead of the decode.    


Resolved an issue where the Client Service Case header in NEXT would display the code value for Contract Status rather than the Decoded value.


Task 35617                                                                                                                                      

Non-Global Admin User Gets Error Trying to Access Client Location    


Resolved an issue in NEXT where if the Mailing Address or Billing Address fieldsets of the Client location form are secured and the non-global admin User does not have rights, the client-side control logic will throw an error when attempting to filter fields in those fieldsets on dataform open.  Secured fieldsets on the client location form now properly respect security entity rights as assigned on roles without throwing an error.


Task 35588 - ENHANCEMENT                                                                                                                                       

Primary Agent Commission Record    


The Client Master SetAgentCommissions business rule has been enhanced to inactivate any commission record associated with the Primary agent listed in the Client Master page if that agent is removed.


Task 35666

Client Snapshot Divide by Zero    


Resolved an issue that was allowing a "Divide by Zero" error on the Client Summary tab of the PEO Standard Client Scorecard merge.


Task 35805 - ENHANCEMENT                                                                                                           Click here for the Video

Templatize Existing Case Notifications    


The Client Service Case notification system has been enhanced to use the Configurable Email Template system to generate automated notifications.  Previously these notifications were built in code and could not be modified. The system now uses a series of response templates located under Admin Settings  |  Additional Modules | Email Templates.  The two templates which can be configured are:

CSCINT*** - Reply email notification template to ClientSpace Internal users.

CSCEXT*** - Reply email notification template to External ClientSpace users.

*** Template Code values of CSCINT and CSCEXT cannot be changed as the system uses these when generating Client Service Case responses.  Altering the Code value of the templates WILL cause bad things to happen.


Task 35781                                                                                                                                      

Profit Report: Divide by Zero Error    


 Resolved an issue with the Client Profitability report where a $0.00 Gross Pay balance could cause divide by Zero errors in SQL, returning an error in the merge.


Task 35890  - ENHANCEMENT                                                                                                                                      

Upgrade PrismHR to v1.3    


The PrismHR API code has been upgraded to use the latest version of the API Code.


Task 35351  - ENHANCEMENT                                                                                                                          

Client Scorecard


A new PEO merge has been created  - the Client Scorecard.

The Client Scorecard will enable PEOs to quickly measure the true performance of each client and their impact on the bottom line.  Detailed transactions, including payroll system data and several key ClientSpace service modules, are exported to an Excel workbook.  An activity summary that presents gross margin, cost of service, net margin, and performance against contract expectation are compared all in one concise spreadsheet.  Detailed information that feeds the cover sheet is available on other tabs of the Excel workbook and includes:

  • Contract Info (Pricing data)
  • Payroll (Payroll Statistics)
  • Client Service (cases and associated time records)
  • WorkComp (Claims, financials and associated time records)
  • Unemployment (Claims, financials and associated time records)

The Client Scorecard gives the PEO the analytics needed to communicate value and make decisions regarding ongoing pricing and servicing each account.  All at the click of a button. 

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