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Release 35 (PEO)

Product Version: PEO – Release 35 Notes - The following Tasks have been completed/fixed in this release.


Task 33135    - Enhancement                                                                                                                                      

BenRec - Age Banded Rates Revision 


The Age Banded Rates portion of Benefits reconciliation has been enhanced to handle collection records where the associated Benefits Plan has the Premium Source = Invoice Data. 


Task 33142     - Enhancement                                                                                                                                     

Attached Emails to UW Approvals    


The system has been enhanced to allow Outlook emails to be added to the Underwriting approval dataform via the Attach Email function of the Outlook Add - In.   This enhancement has the following features: In the Search list it returns the following Columns:     

  • Department     
  • Approval Status      
  • Workspace Name     
  • Assigned to User     
  • Batch Type

Keyword Search Options include:    

  • Client Number     
  • Client Legal Name     
  • Approval Department     
  • Notes     
  • Assigned To


Task 33402                                                                                                                                      

Unsecured case types are creating secured cases     


Fixed a bug that caused all new cases that were added to be created as secure cases, instead of just secure case types. Now only case types marked as secure are created in such a manner. 


Task 33133    - Enhancement                                                                                                                                      

Policy Renewal COI Cloning    


A new checkbox has been added to the Default settings page of the Admin Workspace - "Custom COI Clone Proc"  When checked the system will use a customized version of the Clone COI SQL Stored procedure, allowing you to carry customized fields from your Certificates of Insurance form forward when these forms are cloned at policy renewal.  This functionality will require a custom Clone Stored procedure to be written for your ClientSpace install.  Contact your account manager if you have questions about or would like to request this functionality.


Task 33247                                                                                                                                      

Can't go to next page in Case Search Dashboard    


Fixed a bug in the case search dashboard where the max records and paging information was not being returned properly, so the system would only display the first page of records.


Task 33416                                                                                                                                      

Employment Records  with duplicate GUIDs    


Fixed issue where when an Employment Record is cloned, the GUID would clone with it.  Now, each record will have its own, unique GUID.


Task 33333   - Enhancement                                                                                                                                       

Surcharge List from Batch    


A Surcharges link has been added to the header of the Pricing Batch dataform in both ClientSpace Classic and NEXT.  This allows quick access to the workspace surcharges from the Pricing Batch form.  


Task 33145  - Enhancement                                                                                                                     Click here for the Video                   

COI Addtl Remarks    


An "Additional Remarks" checkbox was added to the COI form, and when checked the system will display the contents of the Additional Remarks Text Box on the Certificate Of Insurance report.

-When the checkbox is checked it displays the Additional Remarks Text Box.



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