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Configuring ClientSpace PlanHub integration

PlanHub allows you to create instant, customized 401k cost comparison proposals for your clients and prospects, as well as to enroll your contacts into an automated email campaign to nurture them towards sales-readiness with the value of the 401k at the forefront. For more information about PlanHub, see their website.

Why do I care about this?

With the ClientSpace PlanHub integration, you can request a Slavic 401k PlanHub proposal from within ClientSpace – offering you an integrated solution. From ClientSpace, you can create instant, customized 401k cost comparison proposals for your clients.

What does it do?

The ClientSpace PlanHub integration passes the prospect’s FEIN to Slavic401k, and if successful, a PDF version of the PlanHub proposal is received and uploaded to the Slavic PlanHub dataform. When the PlanHub proposal is received, it can trigger established workflows to notify individuals for any additional next steps.

Procedure overview

To integrate the PlanHub proposal, you must work with ClientSpace professional services. The following table lists the tasks and responsible group for implementing the ClientSpace PlanHub integration.

TasksWho performs this task?

1. Set up the API configuration

Professional Services
2. Enable the business rulesProfessional Services
3. Enable and configure the scheduled processProfessional Services
4. Review the PlanHub dataform securityClient
5. Configure the Client Master links to PlanHubProfessional Services
6. Identify and set up the workflow processesClient
7. DemonstrationProfessional Services

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