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Using Mass Update From Organization Search

Sometimes you need to update a number of Organization records with the same change, but you shouldn't have to open each one, make the change, and save.  You don't have to - the Organization Search dashboard contains a Mass Update function that allows you to select multiple records and update them all at the same time.

Step-by-step guide

To use Mass Update from the Organization Search:

  1. Open the Organization Search dashboard and use filtering to find the records you would like to change.   

  2. Select the records you want to change by checking the Select checkbox at the end of the row or click Select to select all the filtered records. (1)

  3. Click Mass Update. (2)
  4. Choose the Organization Detail fields you would like to update, make your changes, and click Save.

Security changes made from Mass Update will fire Org business logic and thereby update any related Client Team and Workspace Owner settings on the related workspace.  It is a recommended best practice when changing security such as the Assigned To, to filter the Org Search dashboard for the user you are changing from, so that as you update the records you can re-run your search and see them move to the appropriate new user. 

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