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The following items have been completed in this release.

Sprint Began: 5/1/2019     Sprint Ended: 5/31/2019


This release contains new licensing functionality that must be configured before July 1, 2019 to retain access to current modules. For more information about licenses and configuration instructions, review the article Managing user licenses.

titleWe moved the cheese!
Mmmmm - Cheese! The cheese icon  denotes a change in functionality. So, when we move the cheese and change the way something works, you will know about it.

Workflow Channel: Visualize Export (33337) ENHANCEMENT

The Visualize functionality of Workflow Channels has been enhanced. On the Workflow Channel search page, in the visualize dialog, Download as CSV file functionality is now available.

  • Download as CSV file is only available when the dialog is NOT in drag/drop mode.
  • When you click Download as CSV file, the system downloads the visual representation of the workflow channel as a CSV file to the user's computer.
  • The CSV file name is Workflow Channel <number>-<workflow channel name>.csv. For example, Workflow Channel 36-Scheduled Test.csv.
  • The contents of the downloaded file resemble the visualize dialog contents in terms of layout, with indentation of children workflow items and includes the Workflow channel and child items of the selected channel.

The names of the included items are formatted in the same manner as in the visualizer: #<number>: <name>. See Viewing and Publishing Workflow Channels.

System-level lookups (34177) ENHANCEMENT

A system column has been enhanced for Lookups and Lookup Groups. This enhancement allows PrismHR to lock down specific system level lookups that are used in business logic and could produce unexpected system behavior if altered. If the System flag is set to true, neither Lookups or Lookup Groups can be deleted. 

  • LookUps: If is system, the Code, Group, and Filter fields are disabled for Global Admin users.
  • Lookup Groups: If is system, Group Name, Description, and Metadata Dataform fields are disabled for Global Admin users.
    This System check box is read-only for non-PrismHR users.

Module Licensing (36225) ENHANCEMENT

Licensing has been added as a System Admin function.  

Licenses serve several purposes for Global Administrators:

  1. Determine which areas of Pulse are available by user.
  2. Determine if the advanced admin features are available, such as Dataform Admin.
  3. Provide easy visibility to know which users are subject to additional billing.

Pulse supports several add-on modules, such as Sales, Risk, Implementation, and Human Resources. Licenses enable a user to access to specific modules.

System administrators must complete licensing configuration before July 1, 2019. For more information about licenses and configuration instructions, review the article Managing user licenses.

Contract Type: Pricing approval (36252) ENHANCEMENT

The business rule HE_ContractTypeChange locks down changes to the Contact Type within the application that would affect pricing after pricing has been approved. Service providers that do not utilize the pricing console need the ability to change the Contract Type manually or through an import at any time. The hard error HE_ContractTypeChange has been enhanced:

  • If the Client Master.PEOHROQuote = No, Contract Type is editable at all times with no hard errors. Imports also work properly to change the contract type.
  • If the Client Master.PEOHROQuote = Yes, Contract Type is only editable up to Approved. Afterward, the field locks down and cannot change through an import or at all.

Note: On some sites, the PEOHROQuote field has been renamed to "Use Pricing".

Email templates: Replacement fields (36438) ENHANCEMENT

Field replacement on email templates and workflow channels has been enhanced, returning better replace field options when configuring bodies of Email Templates and enabling more sensible content.

For fields that are of the Contact datatype: 

  • TableName.FieldName.FirstName (blank if empty) example Client Master.PrimaryContact.FirstName
  • TableName.FieldName.LastName
  • TableName.FieldName returns LastName, FirstName

For User datatype fields:

  • TableName.FieldName.FirstName example ClientMaster.SalesRep.FirstName
  • TableName.FieldName.LastName
  • TableName.FieldName returns LastName, FirstName

For Text fields:

  • TableName.FieldName returns the first 250 characters (appends "..." if the field contains more than 250 characters)
  • TableName.FieldName.All returns entire field
  • TableName.FieldName.<integer> returns first ## number of characters (replace <integer> with the numeric character count). If the field contains more than <integer> number of characters, it will append "..." For example, Clientmaster.DescriptionOfOps.7 will return the first 7 characters from this field. If the field contains more than 7 characters, these will end with ... indicating more info is available.

For Lookup: Code, Decode

  • TableName.FieldName returns Decode value displayed in the application
  • TableName.FieldName.Code returns Code value stored in the field

For Integer fields:

  • TableName.FieldName returns comma formatted value (##,###)

Decimal or Money fields:

  • TableName.FieldName returns comma formatted value (##,###.##) or 0.00 if blank.

Default Time Track Category (36956) ENHANCEMENT

Tasks have been enhanced to set the default time tracking category. The task system has been enhanced to use metadata on the Task Category lookup to set the default time tracking category when adding a time tracking record from a new or existing task as long as the task category has been set. For more information regarding this functionality, review the document Configuring default time tracking for task categories.

Case email templates (37087) ENHANCEMENT

The Case system has been enhanced to add custom field replacement options that show the contents of specific case fields on a case related email template if those fields have been changed. If the email template has a triggering from of Case, you can add the replace fields of {UpdatedFieldsInternal} and {UpdatedFieldsExternal} to display the fields that have been updated.

These Replace field include a designated set of fields to be listed if values have changed:

  • {UpdatedFieldsExternal}: crCategory, fkCaseTypeID, fkUserIDAssignedTo, luStatus, luPriority, Subject, Issue, CaseNotes, Resolution
  • {UpdatedFieldsInternal}: crCategory, fkCaseTypeID, fkUserIDAssignedTo, luStatus, luPriority, Subject, Issue, CaseNotes, Resolution, InternalNotes

The Email template will display as Updated Fields: followed by the list of updated fields. 

 Email Templates (37368) ENHANCEMENT

Email templates have been enhanced. The Primary trigger field has been moved to the Conditions step of the configuration to keep all of the triggering conditions together and make configuring email templates easier. For more information about configuring Workflow Channels refer to Administering Email Templates.

Salesforce imports (37582) ENHANCEMENT

Updated the way that CRM forms such as the Org Other Info and Contact Other Info are saved in the application during imports. Previously this was accomplished using a server-side save, which could not trigger workflow channels or email templates. This is now accomplished through custom business logic on the Salesforce API pipeline. No business rules are run, only Workflow Channel and Email Template triggering are enabled.

37343Report branding issuesResolved an issue when custom branding files were not uploaded. Added default blank image files for the reporting logo and signature file.
38076Question on business rulesResolved an issue where date fields used in #IsDirty triggering would always show a false positive, due to the field storing a date-time value, but the code compared the field triggering on strictly Date (the implied time as 12:00:00 or midnight on that date). Because these fields did not match, the system would interpret this as if the date had changed.
38168Email Integration, loop preventionResolved an issue where the system would allow for bad configurations when an email template response from email integration could be sent to a mailbox that was then used in email integration, causing a loop to occur. The system now includes a unique tag when sending template responses. The tag is recognized by email integration so that the emails are marked as read and ignored.
38199Client Contacts Custom Link functionResolved an issue where the Client Contacts link was using a deprecated custom function to open the Workspace Contacts list. The system now opens the related Organization contacts directly.
38358Manage Import Queue issuesResolved a list refresh issue when managing import queue records. Previously if you deleted queue records, on return to the list the records, the delete queue record would still appear to be present in the list. The system now performs a list refresh upon return to the manage queue list.
38393Another Time Zone issue Resolved an issue with time zone conversion when administering calendar events. The default start date/time for new calendar appointments was changed, affecting the creation of new calendar events. Previously, the server's current date/time was used. Now, the user's time zone (as set in the user profile) is used, which includes their current time zone. 
38397Pound sign in form values on the first workflow stepResolved an issue if a pound sign (#) was added in any of the fields in Step 1 of creating a workflow. The system would throw an exception when moving to Step 2. The system now allows this symbol in any of the workflow channel fields.
38504Report  branding issuesCorrected an issue with the info bubbles for report branding that describe the allowable file extensions. The bubbles now appropriately read: "Supported image types include .jpg, .bmp, and .gif files; .jpg is the recommended format."

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