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Release 66 (Pulse) Notes

The following items have been completed in this release:

Sprint Began: 03/05/2018     Sprint Ended: 03/31/2018

Dataform Audit Trail ENHANCEMENT

This exposes the Audit Trail icon (magnifying glass) to global administrators and any user that has security rights to Dataform.Admin in the Action Center Icons for the datafom, allowing authenticated users to see a list of edits to audited fields including the original and new value for the field, when the field was changed and by whom.

Ability to import to the Active field on any dataform ENHANCEMENT

The import process has been enhanced to allow for import of the IsActive flag

The IsActive field has been added to the field selection list on Import Map Detail records

This field automatically sets to Checkbox when selected

Import file should pass a 1 if "Active" or 0 if "InAactive" (unchecked).

Tighten up Email Admin Interface ENHANCEMENT

The email admin interface has been tightened up with the following changes:

DASHBOARD LIST - Table Name is now the decoded value, so "Client Master" instead of "gen_ClientMaster"
In STEP 2 - The Merge Procedure displays all Stored Procedures with a name LIKE '%emailtemplate_merge%'
In STEP 3 - The recipient source Procedure is a list displaying all Stored Procedures with a name LIKE '%emailtemplate_recipient%'

The UI for Source, Type, and Address does not require the Check be selected, but instead sets the value when selected.
In STEP 4 - The UI for Field Source, Trigger field, Operator, trigger value and label do not require the Check be selected, but instead set the value when selected
In STEP 5 - Attachment - is set when selected

Help Links Configuration Label Change 

The list was incorrectly displaying "HelpCenter" instead of "Help Center" in the configuration list. This has been corrected.

Custom Email Templates - user security ENHANCEMENT

The 'Send Password' and 'Forgot Username' notifications now use Email Templates. These have been pre-configured in a series of email templates, replacing the outdated System email notifications with more interesting, customizable ones.

 ClientSpace Authentication

  • SYS_CSPWD (Reset Password)
  • SYS_CSUSER (Forgot Username)

Domain Authentication

  • SYS_DAPWD (Reset Password)
  • SYS_DAUSER (Forgot Username)

Bad email address handling 

The SendMail process will now validate the recipient mail addresses
If and address is invalid, email will not be sent to that recipient
If any addresses were found to be invalid, the LogData column in tblEmail will be updated with the invalid email info:

  • EmailAddress
  • UserID
  • Recipient GUID (left 8 chars)
  • Reason (from exception)

Required Field in More Search ENHANCEMENT

The system has been enhanced with a required field chiclet for module filters. If a filter on a module is required, but not filled in, that filter will display as a red chiclet on the search, graphically displaying that the filter is required.

Email Template Conditions - Parent Form Fields ENHANCEMENT

Parent Form Field support has been added to email template triggering:

The system will display Parent Form fields for those dataform fields that relate to the Admin Workspace records only

The allowable trigger conditions are: Empty, Not Empty, IsDirty, Equals, Does Not Equal

Template User Field ENHANCEMENT

The Template User Field on the User detail has been refined. The template user functionality now works on Manual Edit was well as on Add during a user import. This functionality will set the following fields:

During an import, the Template UserID will only be applied to User ADD, not EDIT. If updating a user the Template UserID mapping will be ignored.
On ADD, if a Template UserID is provided (either in the import file or via default import configuration), the following fields will be populated:

  • Department RoleID
  • User Type
  • Company
  • AddProjects
  • Dashboards
  • Enable Email for this Account
  • Enable Time Tracking
  • Load Home Page By Default (This is always set to true)
  • Time Zone
  • Change Password Next login

On ADD, via import if the import contains Department, UserType, Company, AddProjects and a 
Template UserID, those fields will be overwritten with the values from the imported file, otherwise the information will be populated from the Template User.

Workflow Triggering bug 

Resolved an issue in Workflow configuration where the Assigned to and Owner fields on a configured workflow task were always defaulting to the current user. The system will now correctly set the Assigned To and Owner values in the task based on the Workflow configuration.

Move Admin Features into Tiles ENHANCEMENT

The following Admin Systems have been converted to Admin Settings Tiles in NEXT:

  • Departments
  • Email Admin (Formerly known as Messages Dashboard)
  • Company Holiday's

These are available from the Admin Settings area.

Izenda Report Parts (Next), Safari Browser 

Izenda has provided a fix for report widgets which shortens load times in mobile browsers,specifically safari. Previously Report widgets were experiencing performance issues on Safari and other browsers causing us to disable report widgets in Safari until Izenda could provide us a fix.

Parent Form Fields on Workflows

Resolved an issue where Parent Form fields saved in Workflow Configuration would display the pk-ID of the parent form record instead of the decode value for that record. System now displays the proper decoded value for the parent form record.

Workspace Settings ENHANCEMENT

The system has been enhanced with Workspace Settings controls for Global Administrators

A Workspace Settings dialog   has been added in the Workspace Landing Page action center and allows Admins to update the following:

  • Workspace Name
  • Workspace Group
  • Related Organization
  • Description
  • Use as Template - warns prior to saving changes
  • Active
  • Source Template - warns prior to saving changes
  • Project Code

Workspace settings can drastically effect the users and dataforms in a workspace - if you are not sure of this functionality create a case for help before proceeding.

Updgrade Izenda Reporting to version

The integrated business intelligence application has been upgraded to the latest version - which resolved a number of issues including report widget issues in the safari browser, a problem using arithmetic and string concatenation in the same report and export issues to Excel.  For a full list of fixes in review the Izenda release notes.

Port Slack bot to PEO ENHANCEMENT

The Slack bot which allows Slack users of Pulse to share case and task data directly in Slack has been added for use in Pulse.

List of Commands:
/pulse help
/pulse mycases or /pulse mycases -share
/pulse mytasks or /pulse mytasks -share
/pulse escalated or /pulse escalated -share
/pulse case {CaseNumber}
/pulse task {TaskNumber}

For a detailed description of Configuring and using the Slackbot API read Configuring Slack Integration.

Case Search Enhancements ENHANCEMENT

The case search functionality has been enhanced to provide additional performance gains when searching and sorting across large sets of data.

Client Info Widget Issue

The address line formatting has been corrected in the stored procedure which builds the client data for the Client Info widget. The widget now appropriately displays City,State.

User Import, Template User ENHANCEMENT

The fkTemplateUserID field has been added to the User Import configuration and the system uses this field when selecting a template user from which to clone.

This cloning process will clone most of the user fields as well as workspaces, role security and available modules.

Unable to Edit Recipients on Case Discussion Messages

Fixed a bug which occurred in Internet Explorer that would not allow editing of contacts from the Case Discussion recipient list. Contacts may now be edited by using the Jump button or double clicking the row to edit the contact. Saving the changes returns you to the recipient list. Re-running the search will refresh this list with the new changes.

Add Discussion Recipient ENHANCEMENT

A new business rule has been added to the Client Service Case - "Add Discussion Recipient". This rule insures that if the Assigned To field on the Client Service Case is changed, the new Assigned To user is added on a recipient in any open discussions related to the case.