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(Archived) - Adding ClientSpace Drilldown functionality to Ad Hoc Reports

Functionality can be added to Izenda reports for drilling into ClientSpace records from ad-hoc reports - follow the guidelines below. 

The numbers in curlybraces are the field positions for the parameter you want to pass, so {0} indicates the field you are on, {2} indicates the second column (field) in the Izenda report.  It is important to know that fields (columns)  that are visually grouped in an ad-hoc report are not included when counting columns for use in these parameter curlybraces - so if the first two fields on your report are visually grouped and you wanted to send the parameter in field #4 you would actually use {2} unless the link is on field 4 in which case you would use {0}.

 By using the code samples below and the appropriate data fields you can add robust functionality to ad-hoc reports. 



 ClientSpace Classic...

The following codes should be added on the Fields Tab | Advanced Settings  | Url line.

Step-by-step guide - code samples

  • Data Form - /DataForms/DataForm.aspx?fkProjectID={PROJECTID}&ProjTypeID=XXX&FormID={XXX}&action=edit +

  • Tabbed single-form -NOTE: Requires - drill = true    /DataForms/DataForm.aspx?fkProjectID={#}&ProjTypeID=XXX&drill=true&action=edit

  • Multi-Form - /DataForms/DataForm.aspx?fkProjectID=XXXX&ProjTypeID=XXX&FormID=XXXXX&action=edit
  • SubReport Url Drill Down - ReportViewer.aspx?rn=Report+Category\Report+Name&p1value={#}&p2value={#}**
  • Organization - /CRM/OrgDetail.aspx?key={ORG_ID_HERE}
  • Contact - /CRM/ContactDetail.aspx?key={CONTACT_ID_HERE}
  • Activity - /crm/NoteDetail.aspx?key={NOTEID}&orgid={ORGID}
  • Tasks - /components_net/incident/incidentdetail.aspx?fkProjectID={PROJECTID}&key={TASKID}
  • Calendar Item - /components_net/calendar/CalendarEvent.aspx?key={XXX}&start=12/2/2011 12:00:00 PM&end=12/2/2011 12:30:00 PM
  • Pricing Console - /custom/FOLDER_NAME/PricingConsole.aspx?fkProjectID={PROJECTID}***
  • To link to a multi form list - https://YourSiteURL/DataForms/MultiFormList.aspx?drill=true&fkProjectID={PROJECTID}&ProjTypeID=ProjTypeID

  • To link to a multi form list associated with a parent form record- /DataForms/MultiFormList.aspx?drill=true&fkProjectID={WorkspaceID}&ProjTypeID=ProjTypeID &ParentFormID={Parent Form PK}&AttName={ParentForm Field Name}&ProjAttribXrefID={PK of the field on the child form that will contain the PK of the parent form}

  • Tabbed multi-form NOTE: Requires - drill = false /DataForms/DataForm.aspx?fkProjectID=XXXX&ProjTypeID=XXX&drill=false&FormID=XXXXXX&action=edit
  • Create a new time record, attached to a data form (Manual time entry) - /TimeTracker/TimeTrackerDetail.aspx?luTimeEntryMethod=Manual&fkprojectid={XXX}&type={gen_XXXX}&recordid={XXX}

  • Create a new time record, attached to a task (Manual time entry)  -  /TimeTracker/TimeTrackerDetail.aspx?luTimeEntryMethod=Manual&fkprojectid={XXX}&type=Incident&recordid={XXX}

  • Open a new time record not attached to anything in a popup - /TimeTracker/TimeTrackerDetail.aspx
  • Open an existing time record using a URL  - /TimeTracker/TimeTrackerDetail.aspx?key={XXX}
  • Open the time record list for a dataform record -  /TimeTracker/TimeTrackerList.aspx?id={XXX}&type={gen_XXXX}&projectid={XXX}
  • Open the time record list for a Task record -  /TimeTracker/TimeTrackerList.aspx?id={XXX}&type=Incident&projectid={XXX}
  • Add a clickable link to send mail - add the email address to the field list and use the following URL - mailto:{0} (use zero if the email address is the link, otherwise use the appropriate field number)
  • Add a clickable link to open another website url - Add the URL  field to the fieldlist and use the following URL - ('{0}') (use zero if the url is the link, otherwise use the appropriate field number)


An example of Data Form drill down on a single form such as the Client Master would be:   /DataForms/DataForm.aspx?fkProjectID={5}&ProjTypeID=196&action=edit

With multi forms, you need to specify the FormID so that you drill into the appropriate record, so using the following code on the pkClientServiceCaseID would give you drill down to that specific record: /DataForms/DataForm.aspx?fkProjectID={5}&ProjTypeID=107&FormID={0}&action=edit

+ ProjTypeID is the pk of the record for the dataform in question from the ProjectTypes table and can be found by running the Ad Hoc report 'Data Form Listing'.

**rn is the category and report name path. Use + for spaces.

  p1value means that we want to pass the value from the field in column #(whatever column number matches the first filter) to the first filter parameter on the report that is being drilled into.  For example p2value={7} would pass the value from the field in column 7 to the 2nd filter parameter on the sub report we are drilling into.

*** FOLDER_NAME is a variable in tblApplication

 BEST PRACTICE: Add your referenced fields that will be passed at the beginning of the report, so that subsequent changes to the report do not move the field position of the keys!


  • When a report is designed to be run within a workspace, the ProjectID= parameter can be passed #CurrentWorkspace and the system will pull the ProjectID of the workspace the report is being run from.
  • When a report is designed to be filtered for just items associated with the current user, such as a sales report, the fkUserID= (or other relevant user field) parameter can be passed #CurrentUser and the system will pull the UserID of the current logged in user.


For more information about configuring advanced functionality in ad hoc reporting, contact your account manager at NetWise technology to schedule a training


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