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PrismHR Client Sync

The PrismHR API import system allows for initial import data to be pulled from PrismHR on a per client basis.

The import process uses the following:

  • Scheduled process HRPImportInitialSync
  • On the Client Master, the field Sync with PrismHR (Import) 
    • You must enable the option (select) to import the data.
  • API Configuration > Additional Parameters: ExcludeCompanyFromSync=0The Company Initial import map WILL be included in the Sync if the map is active.
  • company_initial import map
    • For questions about this import configuration, create an Extranet case for one of our application specialists.

When the scheduled process runs, it:

  • Locates any Client with Sync with PrismHR selected (and a Client Number is present on the Client Master).
  • For each Client, executes the INITIAL imports for all active INITIAL import maps.

When completed, the system clears the Sync with PrismHR option and saves the Client Master using biz logic (HRP pipeline), Biz Logic only.

Why use?

The Sync with PrismHR (Import) option is great for cleaning up any one-off clients that failed to import due to errors during the initial import.

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