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Release 69 (Pulse) Notes

The following items have been completed in this release:

Sprint Began: 6/5/2018     Sprint Ended: 6/29/2018

We moved the cheese!

Mmmmmm - Cheese!  The cheese icon  denotes a change in functionality so when we move the cheese and change the way something works in the system you will know about it.  

Employee Onboarding - Import Codes via API ENHANCEMENT

The PrismHR API has been enhanced with INITIAL and ONGOING Client Code Import processes for Client Job, Department, Division and Shift

Import Maps (Configure Import)


  • HRPAPI_initial_codes_job/department/division/shift*.csv
  • HRPAPI_codes_job/department/division/shift*.csv
  • Import Map Source File must begin with "HRPAPI_initial_codes_" or "HRPAPI_codes_"
  • Field API path must be "Class/codepath/codefield", as in "Job/jobCode/id"

Classes of Data, Import API mapping 

  • Job: "Job/jobCode/*"
  • Department: "Department/departmentCode/*"
  • Division: "Division/divisionCode/*"
  • Shift: "Shift/shiftCode/*"


- Ongoing imports will create queue records for available Events

- Ongoing Events are monitored, PrismHR Subscription forms must be updated to include these Client Codes
On the Client Master Subscription, add the following classes:

  • "Client Job Code"
  • "Client Division"
  • "Client Department"
  • "Client Shift"

All PrismHR Client Code classes are available.  See "https://api-docs.prismhr.com/1.11/clientmaster/get-code-tables-for-the-specified-client" for a list of available Client Codes that can be imported.  The "Option" is the "Class" which must be added to the Client Master Subscription in order to monitor change Events

When configuring the Import Detail API path mappings use the following formats:

  • Job: "Job/jobCode/*"  
  • Department: "Department/departmentCode/*"  
  • Division: "Division/divisionCode/*"  
  • Shift: "Shift/shiftCode/*"

These import configurations will be pushed as Inactive and must be activated before use.  For help configuring the subscriptions, contact Support

Lookup Admin Conversion ENHANCEMENT

Lookup and Lookup group administration has been converted to our cross browser compatible application.  The dataform action center has also been enhanced with the ability to manage the lookups specific to the dataform you are using through the "Show Lookups" action.  For more information about configuring lookups and lookup groups, review "Adding or Configuring Lookups"

Adding Workspaces ENHANCEMENT

Create Workspace functionality has been added to the workspace search and secured using the "Can Create Workspace" option on the user profile.  When clicked the system will: 

  • Prompt the user for a workspace name (required), template (not required), and organization (not required)
  • Add a new field to the project table - AllowManualCreation which drives which templates show on the aforementioned template list.
  • The new workspace is created through a classic web service
  • The Add button has been removed from the classic interface
  • The workspace group is set from the selected template.   If no template is selected this value is left blank.

For more information about the Create Workspace functionality, log an extranet case.

WFC - Set Field to pk of Triggering Form ENHANCEMENT

Workflow channels have been enhanced, adding the ability to clone Parent form fields, so that the foreign key relationship between forms based on Parent form fields can be preserved.  An example of this could be as follows:

  • The status on an employee changes to "Terminated"
  • This could trigger workflow which creates an "Employee Termination" case with the Employee field set to the employee which triggered it. 
  • Creation of the employee termination case could trigger the creation of an Unemployment Dataform linked to the same Employee using the fkEmployeeID from the case. 
  • Generation of that dataform could trigger a task and so on. 

Previously Parent Form fields were not workflow cloneable in this way and did not appear in the selection list.

FkParentform fields (such as the Employee field in the case) will be available as "Parent field on a form" 

Primary key fields such as the key of the Employee record which triggered the case will be available to select as "The Source Form".  For more information about foreign key relationships and how to configure workflow channels, contact support.

WFC - Misc Enhancements ENHANCEMENT

Workflow Channels has been enhanced to make it more robust and easier to use, including:

  • Hyperlinking has been added to the visualization, allowing you to jump to any point on the workflow with the click of a mouse.
  • Previous restrictions on continuing a workflow once a dataform is created have been lifted, allowing you to create workflows which generate a dataform and that workflow items may also generate a dataform. 
  • Workflow items also now include a descriptive header which contains
    • The workflow channel name
    • The parent Workflow which triggered this item
    • The Triggering Form

WFC/Email Templates, triggering on Uploaded Files datatype ENHANCEMENT

The Workflow Channels system has been enhanced to trigger workflows based on File Upload type fields.  Previously these fields were not available as a triggering field. 

  • File upload type fields on the triggering form are available to trigger workflow tasks and dataforms.
  • The operators available are limited to Empty, Not Empty, and Is Dirty.

Add Help Links for Non-Dataform Target Types ENHANCEMENT

Help links have been configured for a number of non-dataform target types, including

  • Activities
  • Email Templates 
  • Workspace Landing Page
  • Calendar Contacts
  • Organization Detail 
  • Workflow Channels

Help for each of these items in now available from the help icon    in the header

32676Employee Type Ahead Display & Inactive Employee Searching

Resolved an issue where when entering data in an Employee Type Ahead fieldonly the last name was displaying instead of the selection text - the system will now show the same information that is shown in the drop down list so that you know exactly which employee is selected. This was especially a problem, when more than one employee has the same last name which is common.

Enhanced the system for the Employee Type Ahead field type to add the ability to search for inactive employees using the tiled (~) as a prefix, avoiding the issue of temporarily activating the employee record to select it then having to remember to inactivate it again.

33425PrismHR Client Team Initial ImportsResolved an issue where the Initial Client Team import could cause some importid's to be improperly generated.
33451PrismHR Queue Intial ClientsResolved an issue where when processing Client initial data, if a Client failed the getClientMaster call, it would cause all clients after that to fail. Now if an individual Client fails, that Client will be logged in the PrismHR API Log report, ignored, and the next Client will be processed (prior to this change the entire Client import process would abort).
31760Recurring Calendar Message Display IssueResolved an issue where viewing a recurring calendar message in the inbox or email admin dashboard would display the raw vcalendar file. The system now displays the nicely formatted message as it does for non-recurring calendar items.
31951WFC: Add Default User on Assigned To optionResolved an issue where workflow tasks that were triggered from the API/Import,  when the Task was triggered that it would be assigned to the "Public Anonymous" user.  If no user is available such as at time of import the user fields will be set to the owner of the Triggered Workflow.
33091Recurring Tasks available from Template WorkspacesResolved an issue where recurring tasks were configurable on Template Workspaces, allowing the potential for these recurring tasks to be cloned inadvertantly.
33103WFC - Initial Task does not email Assigned to UserResolved an issue where workflow tasks would not email the Assigned to user if the current user who triggered the workflow was being set as the assigned to.
33189Workflow generated Task not setting appropriate Start DateResolved an issue with Workflow tasks where the Start Date of the Workflow task was not being set properly if the field was configured to use "A field on a form", but always being set to the Create Date of the task. Start date is now properly set based on the configured method.
33191Scheduled Process, post run updateResolved an issue where a scheduled process with a next run date in the past would not correctly update the "Running" flag to "No" when completed, causing this flag to have to be manually reset before running the process again. "Running" flag is now appropriately set when the scheduled process completes.
33283Email Template RecipientResolved an issue where if a recipient stored procedure is selected as the Source for Email Template addresses, the Type field would not be filled in, but it was required to move forward and save the email template configuration. The system now allows the configuration to be saved when recipient stored procedures are used.
33443Error on save - Department Description FieldResolved an issue where if any of the non-required fields on the Department record were left blank an error would occur as the database did not allow NULL values to be saved into the fields. System now allows the Department records to be saved without these non-essential fields.