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Product Version: CORE – Release 44 Notes - The following Tasks have been completed/fixed in this release.


Task 35427   - ENHANCEMENT                                                                                                Click Here for the Video

Metadata mystery meat    


A column has been added to the Lookup list to display whether that lookup may have Metadata, making it easier to recognize these configuration items.


Task 35173   - ENHANCEMENT                                                                                                                                        

Better Delete Auditing    


Field auditing has been enhanced to record user deletes of dataform fields. 

Task 35956                                                                                                                                      

Download and test the new version of dtSearch    


A new version (v 7.82) has been added to our CORE system.


Task 35871                                                                                                                                      

Validate form parameter is a single form on underscore business rule, unless the rule handles a multi-form    


Enhanced some of the CORE business rules to more appropriately recognize Multi-forms when setting Target/Source fields in the rule configuration.  

Task 36522   - ENHANCEMENT                                                                                                                                    

Tasks Triggering Multiple Times    


The triggering system has been enhanced to allow Tabbed dataform fields to be used when configuring trigger conditions.  All operators (IsDirty, Equals, etc.) are in available for these trigger conditions. For Template Tasks, at least ONE trigger condition must be specified for the main form, otherwise trigger conditions will not be evaluated. For Email Templates, the Table Name in the Configuration section must be for the main form, otherwise this template will not be evaluated for triggering.  

Task 36524  - ENHANCEMENT                                                                                                                                      

Auto Set ImportIDs for Orgs & Contact    


On Org and Contact inserts only, the system will now set the ImportID to the left 12 characters ('-' not included) of the OrganizationGUID or ContactGUID respectively, only if the ImportID is not provided.  In the case of the PEO CRM Import for Orgs and Contacts, the ImportID is provided and is not overwritten.  


Task 36525  - ENHANCEMENT                                                                                                                                      

Expose the tblMailMerge.luOutputType on the UI    


A field for Output type has been added to the Mail Merge Admin screens to allow the option to "Output to PDF" to be configured by installations utilizing the "Server Side Merges" option of App Settings.  Printing WORD documents to PDF automatically flattens them, so leaving fields fillable after merge is not available with this option.  

Task 36537                                                                                                                                      

Adding an Organization    


Fixed a bug in the crm_org import where the CEO/Owner field was getting cleared every time an Org import occurred.  System will now place whatever is in the OrganizationOwnerName field into the appropriate Org field. 


Task 36588                                                                                                                                      

Mail Merge IsSystem flag    


Increased security on System level merges (CORE, PEO), locking down the Merge Doc and stored procedure fields to prevent tampering.  

Task 36599                                                                                                                                      

Update Site Link in Task Notification to Next    


Removed a link at the bottom of Task notifications which started with "This message was sent from..."  The link and message was unnecessary. 

Task 36602                                                                                                                                      

Dependency check on Advanced dataform configuration is Broken - Object doesn't support this property    


Fixed an issue where the deleting fields validation was causing a system error. 


Task 36665                                                                                                                                      

Import Map Header 'Special Import'    


Fixed a bug in validation when saving "Special Import" Header configuration - removed validation of NULL Workspace and Record source columns for "Special" imports.  

Task 36671                                                                                                                                      

ExecuteRules_Base error when processing non-Gen type forms    


Fixed an issue where ExecuteRules_Base (which is used to execute custom business logic) would error under certain non-dataform conditions


Task 36674                                                                                                                                      

Field Replacer exception    


Fixed a bug in the core field replacement code that would cause the field replacement code to stop working if it encountered invalid characters in the replacement strings.  The system now uses a regular expression pattern to find and ignore invalid characters  

Task 36678                                                                                                                                      

Email Integration, attachments    


The Email Integration attachment filtering process has been modified to filter attachments starting with 'image0', which is the apparent naming convention for embedded files (image0001.jpg, image002.jpg, etc.).  Any embedded or attached file where the name does not begin with Image"0" will be dutifully attached unless the file extension is not valid for the ClientSpace installation.    

Task 36688                                                                                                                                      

Email integration, empty 'FromAddress'    


Fixed a bug in Email Integration, where the notification process would fail if the "From" address on the email was blank - system will now use the "FowardedEmailFromAddress" field if the From field if blank - if they are both blank a helpful exception will be thrown.


Task 36704                                                                                                                                      

Email integration, empty 'Body'    


Fixed a bug in Email Integration, where the notification process would fail if the "Body" area on the email was blank - causing an exception to be logged when creating the dataform and notifying the user. 

Task 36722                                                                                                                                      

Field Replacer, invalid XPath characters    


Fixed a bug in the core field replacement code that would cause the field replacement code to stop working if it encountered invalid XPath characters in the replacement strings.  The system now uses a regular expression pattern to find and ignore invalid characters 


Task 36390                                                                                                                                      

Custom alerts/prompts/confirms    


NEXT code has been refactored to replace all of the custom Confirm and Alert dialogs in the application with appropriate newer versions of the client side code.


Task 36721   - ENHANCEMENT                                                                                                Click here for the Video                                                                                                                                      

Field Related Lookup Filter    


NEXT has been enhanced to allow lookup field filtering based on another dataform field.  The original request was simply to have the Organization Status lookup filtered when you select a value in the Category drop down, which is done, but we've also expanded this to be able to configure that functionality on data forms.

The filter values are defined using the Filter Value field, on the Lookup Admin Detail. So, using Status/Category as an example, given the following configuration, if you pick Category1, then the status field will be filtered to show only Status1, Status2 and Status3:

Status Lookup ItemFilter Value
Status2                            Category1
Status3                            Category1
Status4                            Category2
Status5                            Category2

The filtering in NEXT has also been enhanced to allow for comma separated values (do not leave spaces between your values) in the Filter Value to provide an OR mechanism so that, in this case, the Status can live in multiple categories, so, given the following configuration, Status1 would show up when both Category1 and Category2 are selected:

Status Lookup ItemFilter Value
Status2                            Category1
Status3                            Category1
Status4                            Category2
Status5                            Category2

Dataform Configuration 

The dataform configuration, for lookup fields, has been enhanced to be able to point to another field on the form as a "Source" for it's filter. There is now a "Filter Source" field, under the "Filter Value" field, when configuring a lookup field on a dataform. You put the ID of the field that you want to be the "Source" for our filter. When that field's value changes, our field will be filtered with that value.

So, using the example configuration above, if we had an luCategory and luStatus field on our dataform: in the field properties for luStatus we'd enter the value luCategory in the "Filter Source" field. luStatus will now be filtered as luCategory is changed. NOTE: This is NEXT only functionality. The Filter Source value is ignored in classic. If there is a value in both the "Filter Value" and "Filter Source" fields, NEXT will use "Filter Source" instead of "Filter Value", but Classic will continue to use the "Filter Value" field.


Task 36636                                                                                                                                      

Filter Pages - Record ID    


Report and Merge filter pages in NEXT have been enhanced to allow the key of the dataform a merge is run from to be passed to the filter page, allowing you to have merges designed to run from any related page in the system.  Contact your NetWise Account manager if you are interested in this new functionality.  

Task 36531                                                                                                                                      

Calendar Widget Time Zone format    


Resolved an issue in the NEXT calendar where if you have a ClientSpace user account set to one timezone and you have set the local timezone on the machine you are using to a different timezone some unexpected behavior could occur within the calendar and attendee availability view.


Task 36497                                                                                                                                      

No Record Found Error    


Error messaging within the application has been enhanced to return more meaningful errors to users who attempt to navigate to linked objects from business intelligence where the object (Organization, activity, contact, task etc...) no longer exists. 

The system will now provide the following verbiage in the messages:
"If you navigated here from Business Intelligence, please contact the report owner to have the link updated".
So in the case of a missing Organization you would receive: "The organization you requested no longer exists. If you navigated here from Business Intelligence, please contact the report owner to have the link updated." 

Task 36530                                                                                                                                      

Expose User fields on UI    


The ClientSpace NEXT user profile has been enhanced to include SMS text email and Default Workspace Search.  

Task 36576                                                                                                                                      

Field Display Rules on Tabs    


Resolved an issue where field display rules configured to use a Field Display Proc of a tabbed form would not fire.  The system is now able to hold data from configured field display procs on multiple tables in the case of tabbed forms. 


Task 36700                                                                                                                                      



Fixed a bug in the change field methodology for type ahead fields where invalid character strings would appear to be cleared out of the filed when tabbing from field to field, but the data would actually remain and be passed into the filter parameters, causing an exception. 


Task 36703                                                                                                                                      

When a task is in an Add State (Key = 0) and you add Time Tracker records you get entire list    


Resolved a NEXT issue where if time records were added to a task prior to the task being save the system would display a list of all time records as if they were all attached to the task.  


Task 36679                                                                                                                                      

File Upload Datatype issue - Orphaned LinkGUID    


Resolved an issue in NEXT where the system would allow you to delete an attachment from within a dataform field and close the form without saving.  The attachment would appear to be gone, but would in fact be orphaned, and the field where it was attached would be in an indeterminate state.  System now requires you to save the change to the dataform in order to truly delete the attachment, just as it does when you are adding an attachment.  

Task 36710                                                                                                                                      

Complete Link on Tasks does not stamp correct date    


Fixed a bug where completing a task via a header Link would set the complete date to the correct date, but with a time of 12:00.  Both date and time are now set correctly.  

Task 36708                                                                                                                                      

Time Tracker Detail: Record field issue    


Fixed a bug where after manually creating a Time Record and linking it to an existing dataform record the decode of the Dataform Record field is not displaying. 


Task 36711                                                                                                                                      

dtIncidentUser issue    


The dtIncidentUser did not respect the typeahead proc configuration in NEXT - in researching this datatype we found nowhere in or core or peo systems where the data type was used. The dtIncidentUser 0datatype has been deprecated.


Task 36707                                                                                                                                      

Procedure or function 'nw_calendar_event_iu_event' expects parameter "@fkOrganizerUserID"...


Resolved an issue created by new R43 logic which requires the fkOrganizerUserID on created calendar events, when the events were not created from the calendar (ie: events generated via business rules, or custom dataform logic such as on the Client Visit form.)  System now will default the Organizer field to the logged in user who causes the event to fire. 


Task 36717                                                                                                                                      

User Type Ahead Bugs    


Resolved an issue with the type ahead datatype where extremely long strings of characters typed into the field would cause an "unclosed quotation" error.  Datatype now supports the maximum length for text data. 


Task 36748                                                                                                                                      

Task Mass Update Error    


Fixed a bug where an error could occur during a  Mass Update if a task that has been selected in the grid is deleted before the Mass Update is executed. In other words, if a task that has been selected had the "Mark For Deletion" checkbox checked, and the scheduled process ran to delete the task before the Mass Update was actually executed. 


Task 36751                                                                                                                                      

Regular Session Expiration with valid TFA    


Fixed an issue in NEXT where two factor authentication would apply to all sessions on a machine.  System will now produce a new authentication code for each attempted login by a new user on the machine.  Once authenticated the user will retain their authentication code until a different user logs in on the same machine. 

Task 36792                                                                                                                                      

Task Escalation emails    


Task escalation emails have been updated to open the embedded links in ClientSpace NEXT.

Task 36648                                                                                                                                      

Count Badge on Multiform Dataform Links    


Dataform links in NEXT have been enhanced with count badges - when a multiform is linked to another dataform, next will now display an appropriate count badge to show how many linked records there are:

  • When there are no linked records, the dataform link has no badge - clicking the link will open the linked dataform in "Add" mode.
  • Where there is a single linked record, the dataform link will have a badge with a  count of "1"  - clicking the link will open the existing record in "Edit" mode.
  • Where there are multiple records, the system will display the count of the current Active records attached - clicking the multiform link will open the records list, allowing you to drill into any of the records, or search to include inactive records.

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